Our Products


NMR Hardware of Spin Track type supports a great variety of standard NMR routines like AOCS Cd 16b-93, AOCS Cd 16-81, ISO 8292, ISO 10565, ASTM D 7171-05, IUPAC2.150 and creative scientific researches. Spin Track has been successfully approved in food, oil, fuel and polymer industries for routine analysis, introduced in R&D branch for scientific investigations. If your problem are not described below please submit it in Feedback.

TD-NMR analyzer Spin Track is an ideal instrument for industrial and R&D applications.
TD-NMR analyzer Spin Mate is a new compact and high performance instrument for great variety of applications.
TD-NMR relaxometer mSpin is designed especially for R&D and studying needs.
Benchtop 3D imaging system for small objects SpinVision is the ideal system for MRI learning.
Accessories and equipment for magnetic resonance hardware development and related technologies.
Software Relax is the powerful tool both to utilize the standard NMR relaxation routines and to create new ideas of pulses, gradients, gains and attenuations in the way of any complexity.